To drenge der bruger en rød Fitstation til øvelser En kvinde, der træner med en blå Fitstation på en plads



Training station with numerous exercises
En grøn illustration af Fitstation
GHB Landscape Architects and Running26 have, in collaboration with out-sider, developed FitStation – an innovative training unit that offers 16 fundamental workout exercises on a single platform. This is a rethinking and merging of traditional separate training modules

Outdoor exercise

FitStation appeals to physical activity and is a perfect companion to urban fitness landscapes. A shining example of this is the Herning Football Experimentarium, which was awarded the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) bronze medal in 2013 for its innovative approach. FitStation sets a new standard for modern, accessible, and versatile training in urban environments

En gul FitStation i et grønt areal i byrummet

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Outdoor training station, which allows 16 basic exercises on the same unit.
Material: Rotation moulded polyethylene, 10mm thick, dyed.
Dimensions: L3000 x B1500 x H1140 mm (incl. metal handle at 230 mm).
Fixation: Fill with water/sand through integrated plugs or surface/ground fixation.

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Approx. RAL
En rød farvprøve
#01 Red (standard color)

RAL 3020

En orange farveprøve
#02 Lime Green (standard color)

RAL 120 70 60

(variant farve)
#03 Orange (standard color)

RAL 2003

En gul farveprøve
#04 Yellow (variant color)

RAL 1018

En grøn farveprøve
#15 Pastel Blue (variant color)

RAL 6025

En blå farveprøve
#17 Blue (variant color)

RAL 5010

En pastel blå farveprøve
#18 Olive Green (variant color)

RAL 5024

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Technical data

Rotation moulded polyethylene, 10mm thick, dyed. Moulded in one piece. UV-resistant, stands up to weather, wear and tear. The material is suitable for granulation and recycling.

L3000 x B1500 x H900mm.

Fill with water/sand through integrated plugs or surface/ground fixation. Brackets to be ordred separately.

This product withstands most cleaning agents and chemicals and can be cleaned using a high-pressure cleaner. The colour can be revived using vinyl cleaner or similar

Product code
149 0101 FitStation red / 200kg
149 0102 FitStation limegreen / 200kg
149 0103 FitStation orange / 200kg
149 0104 FitStation yellow / 200kg
149 0117 FitStation blue / 200kg
149 0115 FitStation pastel blue / 200kg
149 0118 FitStation olive green / 200kg
900B2 Brackets for ground fixation
900B3 Brackets for surface fixation


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    Designed By
    En gul FitStation i et grønt areal i byrummet
    Designed By

    At GHB we believe that architectural form springs from the unique specific character and situation of a place. This is why we always create our designs in dialogue with local context. In our work with planning assignments, exteriors, landscapes and urban furnishing we merge function and aesthetics to create poetic, high-quality solutions for public spaces. Working out should be fun. This was the starting point of landscape architect Mikkel Hjort when developing the new multi-training facility FitStation. Being a former runner himself he knows how much it takes to build up one’s body. Working with Thomas Nolan, his former coach and current partner in running coach business Running26, he decided to develop a workout station with 16 integrated exercises. The workout stations were developed for Herning Fodboldeksperimentarium who wanted to develop an alternative football facility to challenge users beyond the traditional offers of football fields. The project has already been awarded 2 prizes: one from Herning municipal council in 2011 and a bronze medal from the International Olympic Committee in 2013.

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