
Gehl Pilot Project

Copenhagen, Denmark

Is it possible to design urban spaces with a view to changing young people's daily behavior and influencing the climate positively?

Gehl architects, the Municipality of Copenhagen, the University of Copenhagen, the EAT Foundation and other partners are working in this 3-year EU-funded project to investigate the eating habits of young people in Copenhagen. Gehl has developed two pilot projects with a focus on creating an environment with a plant-based diet for young people in the Copenhagen area, Nørrebro and Vesterbro.

Gehl invited outsiders to participate in the project. They wanted to use colorful and social furniture. We adapted, changed benches for plants by cutting off the tops and made some of them into green planters with herbs. To create cozy urban spaces which at the same time supported the green project

#137 Loop  Arc / Design AART Designers
#157 HopOp500 / Design out-sider

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The goal was to invite young people to areas they love while introducing healthy plant-based food at a reasonable price. out-sider was invited to participate and contributed, among other things, with a new, decorative interpretation of the Loop Arc

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The LOOP family comprises a wide range of modular elements, offering endless possibilities for assembling and creating intriguing spatial configurations that encourage creative and social interaction. Play or sit on, besides, and between them. There are 16 different modules in polyethylene available in 10 colors, made from low maintenance materials