World EXPO 17, Astana
Astana, Kazakhstan
Loop Circle, Loop Arc, Boa, Lava and Satellite merges beautifully with the playful landscape of the parIn the capitol of Kazakhstan, Astana, Scandinavian Style and bright colours are popular. When the World EXPO 17 were to create a play park for lots of fun, games and physical activity, they chose urban furniture from out-sider, because it met the demands for high quality and futuristic design
In the capitol of Kazakhstan, Astana, Scandinavian Style and bright colours are popular. When the World EXPO 17 were to create a play park for lots of fun, games and physical activity, they chose urban furniture from out-sider, because it met the demands for high quality and futuristic design
#135 LOOP Circle / Design AART Designers
#137 LOOP Arc / Design AART Designers
#139 Boa / BSAA Arkitekter
#173 Lava / Design Karim Rashid
#152 Satellite / Design Gustin
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Loop Circle - the simple and flexible spatial furniture for urban spaces, schools, and playgrounds. Loop Circle is an inclusive piece of furniture that can be used in various social and cultural settings. It invites informal stays, rest, or movement for 4-6 people - whether indoors or around the furniture