
Institute Notre-Dame

Thuin, Belgium

Institute Notre-Dame was looking for sustainable picnic tables and benches with a modern look where students can meet outside

Their choice fell over, among others, out-sider’s Plateau© bench. Plateau benches are nicely placed along the wall, and on the wall, offering small socializing and resting spots. All furniture is made of high-pressure laminate (HPL) and is extremely durable, UV-resistant, and easy to maintain. Enjoy the result of this fantastic project, where colours and shapes blend beautifully into the surroundings

#192 Plateau Bench

Holscher Design


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PLATEAU Picnic is a table and bench set that elevates aesthetics with its slim design and organic shapes, and creates a pleasant contrast in the often square urban structures and spaces. PLATEAU presents a stringent - almost graphic - expression firmly rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition. There are three PLATEAU Picnic versions available, each offering a different accessibility solution, so everyone can feel welcome