

A colorful seating/standing furniture
Boa is a reinterpretation of the traditional table-bench combination in a funky and modern style. It pushes the boundaries of what we typically expect from furniture in public spaces. Its functional and sculptural nature not only adds visual appeal but also introduces a playful dimension to the surroundings

A city break

It stands as a living entity, slithering across the ground, inviting fun and spontaneous encounters and stays. Typically, multiple Boa furniture pieces are used together, creating a space within a space, and can be turned in two different ways (rotated 90 degrees). It can be a place to sit, stand, lie down, or even dance. This flexibility creates a dynamic and entertaining environment in urban spaces, schools, or residential areas.

Boa serves as a reminder that design can transcend the practical and become a source of joy, togetherness, and creativity in our urban spaces

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Sit, lie or stand bench shaped like a snake.
Material: Rotation moulded polyethylene, 6mm thick, dyed.
Dimensions: L2400 x B1200 x H1200mm.
Fixation: Fill with water (450 litres) / sand (450kg) through integrated plugs. Or surface fixation.

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Approx. RAL
En rød farvprøve
#01 Red (standard color)

RAL 3020

En orange farveprøve
#03 Orange (standard color)

RAL 2003

(variant farve)
#02 Lime Green (standard color)

RAL 120 70 60

En gul farveprøve
#04 Yellow (variant color)

RAL 1018

Recyrcle farveprøve
#11 Sandstone (variant color)

RAL 1019

En grøn farveprøve
#18 Olive Green (variant color)

RAL 6025

Pastel blå farveprøve til LOOP produkt
#15 Pastel Blue (variant color)

RAL 9003

Recycled antracit
#20 Recycled anthracite (variant color)
Blå farveprøve til LOOP produkt
#50 White (variant color)
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Technical data

Rotation moulded polyethylene, 6-7 mm thick, dyed. Moulded in one piece. UV-resistant, stands up to weather, wear and tear. The material is suitable for granulation and recycling.

Surfaces and friction
The products have a textured/granulated surface due to abrasive blasting of the mold. This process enhances the friction and makes the surface less slippery.

TÜV approved as playground equipment acc. EN1176.

L2400 x B1200 x H1200mm.
Volume: 630L
3-5 seats. Turnable

Fill with water (450 litres) / sand (450kg) through integrated plugs. Or surface fixation (brackets to be ordred separately).
The height varies from 40 to 120cm. We recommend EN-1176 standard safety surfacing within a 150cm radius of Boa.

Recycled and ecolabelled*
Recycled version is made from 100% recycled polyethylene plastic, of which 85% comes from internal waste and production surplus, while 15% comes from. polyethylene bags.
Recycled version is ecolabelled, promoting circular economy and fulfils UN’s sustainable development goal no.12 – Responsible consumption and production.
Recycled version is available in anthracite variant, yet colour can vary from order to order.

This product withstands most cleaning agents and chemicals and can be cleaned using a high-pressure cleaner. The colour can be revived using vinyl cleaner or similar



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    Designed by
    Designed by

    Urbanlab nordic operates on a vision and idea-based approach within architectural design, urbanism, and landscape spaces. We believe in architecture as a developmental agent when we are brave enough to rethink a place’s usage, needs, communities, materials, spaces, constructions, technical solutions, and climate objectives. We work from a creatively architectural standpoint with an overarching ambition to create robust and sensory buildings, cities, and landscapes in a positive interaction between nature and culture. The Boa furniture was developed for the Aarhus Festival in 2009. It is a colorful seating/standing piece that stands like a living creature, winding itself above the ground, inviting fun and spontaneous gatherings and stays. Its form and structure challenge the conventional and up on a world of possibilities. Its functional and sculptural character not only adds visual appeal but also a playful dimension to the surroundings. It can be a place to sit, stand, lie, or even dance, depending on how it is placed and used.

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